
Missions is not something tossed into a church offering plate but our overwhelming desire to reach people who are hurting.

Who is My Neighbor?

Someone once asked this of Jesus. His reply? The one helping the hurting (Luke 10:29-37). Missions is not about people in a far off part of the world. It is about coming along side of those who are hurting. Yes with regards to far off lands but also the single woman with three kids living across the street from us.

On this page you will find the various missionaries we support as a congregation. This is not to be boastful. We list them so that you can join us in supporting them in your prayers and to know that a portion of any financial giving you send us goes to supporting these missionaries and their families.

By the way. If you would like more information about any of these missionaries or their ministry, just hover over their names and click.

Supported Missionaries